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Calendar - Upton

Day Activities
Monday and Thursday evenings Petanque Atout/Children and Adults
Fun... for everyone!
Wednesday evening Pickleball
Tuesday evening and Saturday morning Cardio Drumming
Friday evening Bingo ($)/Family Movie
Saturday and Sunday Iron Tournament/Petanque Tournament
From June 23rd, every day Pool
From May 19th, every day Water Games
At Wigwam… …we enjoy ourselves!


For more info about our activities, check our Facebook page.

Looking for Volunteers

If you want to make a positive impact and contribute to the community, join us at the Wigwam Camp Recreation Committee. We're seeking enthusiastic individuals to support activity coordinators. Do you have a few hours to spare? Reach out to Julie or Christian to discuss your availability. A heartfelt thank you for your participation!

Additional Activities:

  • Aqua Fitness
  • Volleyball
  • Petanque, Soccer
  • Iron Tournament
  • Scooter Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Pool
  • Water Games
  • Amusement Park
  • Ice Skating
  • Pickleball
  • Play Area for Ages 0 to 5

Services Offered:

  • Firewood Bundles
  • Propane Gas
  • Golf Cart Storage
  • Various Packages
  • Cottage Rentals
  • Trailer Rentals
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Mini-cabin rentals
  • Garbage can storage